What is brand positioning and why is it helpful?

Brand positioning is a marketing strategy that companies use to establish their brand identity, creating unique concepts that make them stand out and become valued by their customers. Once the brand has been established, you have created a platform to promote your ideas in the public eye.

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It is helpful to proactively place your brand in a space that focuses its efforts on your target audience. If you are able to show that you can meet the needs of your target customers, they will feel more obliged to spend time looking at your brand. People like to feel valued, and if the brand speaks directly to their interests, it will spark engagement.

Consistency of branding relates to the brand positioning itself, and although it is valid to change your positioning this cannot be a regular occurrence. Customers need to be able to keep up with your brand’s direction, therefore if considering changes then think about the long-term goals you want to build on.

This goes hand in hand with keeping relevance. Even if your brand is unique, if your website is old or if promotions are inconsistent then you will lose relevance in a tough market. There are various ways you can do this, for example asking clients what they want from the brand or just simply keeping up with a social media posting schedule to keep your brand in customers’ feeds.

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To feel connected with your customers, your brand must be positioned in a way that creates strong customer loyalty. If a customer trusts and relies on your brand, this will lead to positive word-of-mouth referrals to friends and family and ultimately a rise in purchases.

A brand that is unique and something that your target audience has never seen before will give your company a competitive edge. It is impossible to stand out if you are templating a previous brand, therefore it is not a disadvantage if you spend more time than anticipated coming up with a unique concept. If you are successful, the long-term advantage will be greater, and you will be able to outperform your competitors.

To summarise, brand positioning is a crucial part of a company’s success. Positioning is a work in progress and not just a singular business move, it will need to be a continuous commitment. If you feel that you could use some help, a Brand Strategy Agency such as www.reallyhelpfulmarketing.co.uk/specialist-services/brand-strategy-agency can guide you through their ideas as professionals in this field.

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