End of winter, times of sales. In times of sales , how can you say no at the right prices? Undoubtedly, end-of-season discounts are the time to take advantage of the versatile garments that save us on any occasion and that we know will be smart purchases. To help you in your purchases, it gives us 10 tips to invest with more desire in worthwhile garments, basic for any wardrobe.
Boot season 
Black is a basic for any closet. And the boots , too. Investing in a pair of quality boots with a convenient price is always a good idea. The black boots do not go out of fashion and give a refined look to any look. Try booties with platform or a more classic version of high cane . Assured success!
Flower Power 
Another timeless hit are the floral prints. Winter, spring and autumn, a trouser or a floral jacket can change the air of your office outfit, or just give a happy touch to your combinations.
Timeless Wallets 
If you are looking for good investments, finding a portfolio that lasts several seasons is more than a good decision. Whether it’s a classic Kate Spade or an over pastel Mammoth , you’ll be able to sleep peacefully that your purchase was smart.
Winter dresses 
Tired of the same pants and the same shirt? If this is your case and you think you could give your looks a more distinguished look, why not invest in a winter dress ? These dress options, Yumi and BCBG , are sure to last several seasons for their classic and refined airs.
Fever of accessories 
Another smart option to buy during sales are the accessories . Metallized in gold , like these rings or bracelet of Nova Accessories are a must of all season and hardly go out of style. It’s time to satisfy your golden fever!
High Life 
Of all the shoes, the stilettos are the most elegant. Versatile, comfortable, refined and classic, they are an excellent option to buy during sales. Whether it’s a wide cue in beige or a cue stick in eternal black, there’s no way to miss it!
Holiday spirit 
Take advantage of the sale times to find a unique dress to complete your party wardrobe. The next event you have, you will not be stressed with what to wear. These options of Custo Barcelona are original and at the same time timeless, perfect to be considered a good investment.
Tic, tac, sale 
When it comes to investments, a watch is always a good option. Why? They are timeless, they do not go out of style, they complement your look and, for being objects of value, getting them on sale is very convenient. Find your best option, like these sports style of the Italian brand O’Clock .
Dress in layers 
A winter infaltable, the cardigans harbor with style, of that there is no doubt. Buying a classic cardigan in SALE is a key decision, like one in black from Lacoste or one in striped sailors from Aroa . Ready for next winter!
Sporty chic 
The sports trend is still going strong. It is comfortable, practical and cool. You can take advantage of the sales to buy a pair of refined and versatile sneakers , ideal for a casual Sunday, or invest in a sports jacket that will give that relaxed air to any look of winter.