The best activities for child hearing problems

The hearing impairment, hearing loss is also known as the partial or total inability to hear, in one or both ears. People with this condition tend to have difficulty acquiring and producing their language, which makes it more complicated to understand what happens in their environment. you should know the best activities for child hearing problems.

In Australia, a study was conducted on 86 children with headphones, aged 7 and 8 years, finding that those with hearing impairment were at a reading level up to 10 months below expected, compared with normal hearing the same age.

In this research, it was found that comprehension in language and speech is clearly related to auditory ability. It was also found that they have many more errors in pronunciation, determining that the auditory disability represents a large deficit in speech learning.

Activities for child hearing problems

In cases of hearing loss, classroom teachers and specialists in learning difficulties have to perform activities that help the child adapt to their environment. These children mostly show curiosity in palpating objects, focusing their attention on striking colors, moving figures, photographs, and illustrations.

child hearing problems

For this reason, it is important to promote this curiosity, facilitating learning, taking advantage of the interests and abilities of the child. Among the most conducive activities to promote learning in children with hearing disabilities we have:

  • Accompany the signs and images of verbalization: So by showing the child how each word sounds, he can learn to read the lips, facilitating their understanding in communication with others.
  • Stimulate the language: An auditory disability does not imply any impediment to speak. For this reason, it is necessary to reinforce this aspect, because evidently, by not listening to the sounds, it will be difficult for them to express themselves and speak.

An effective strategy is to use song lyrics, making the child repeat them; also promote the reading of stories that motivate you, strengthening your vocabulary and fluency.

  • Carry out integration games: Where the child with hearing loss should follow brief indications, participating dynamically with other children.
  • Strengthen the visual and tactile channels: Placing objects in the hands of the child to feel movements and textures; make paintings, drawings, model plasticine, create various crafts, puppets, among other craft ideas.
  • Use games on the computer: Like labyrinths, look for mines, tic tac finger, which are quite simple. There are also interactive games that offer various sites on the Internet, thus promoting the use of new technologies to better channel learning and motivation of the child.
  • Use puzzles: Since it is a game that stimulates the cognitive functions of children such as problem solving, memory and attention.
  • Promote outdoor activities: So that learning arrives through stimuli from the environment, and can see in a concrete way the changes in nature, in addition to connecting with other children, which helps them to communicate better.
  • Use television for entertainment: Place subtitled programs, which make them get used to the written language.
  • Instruct them in sign language: This is one of the most important activities, to make the child have a way of communication and not feel displaced from other people.

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