Knitting and Nattering Throughout The United Kingdom

The exponential growth seen in Knit and Natter Groups springing up all over the United Kingdom has set a new precedent for the number of individuals, couples and groups of friends wanting to join an established Knitting group or start a new one of their own.  These groups of like-minded individuals come together on a regular basis to enhance their skills, have some fun and talk to each other.  With a large number of various Knitting Kits UK on offer from complete beginners to much more advanced levels, these complete Knitting Kits are a great way in which to either get started as a novice or enhance your already established collection as a seasoned knitter.

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Many new bonds of friendship are formed that last a life-time and individuals attending these groups speak of a camaraderie amongst their members that strengthens their resolve to continue Knitting and Nattering.  This therapeutic past-time has been recommended by Doctors, Councillors and other members of the medical Profession for its ability to help many of their Patients struggling with Anxiety and Loneliness.  Proven to be not just Mentally beneficial but physically too, strengthening hands and keeping fingers supple.

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So from North to South and from East to West, the United Kingdom is certainly on the same wavelength when it comes to Knitting and Nattering, everyone wants to have a go. Old and young, male or female, all are welcome to join in.

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