If you are thinking of opening an online clothing store and you need to know the most important features. That you must take care of when setting up your fashion business on the Internet. Do not worry because in this article we are going to show you the essential elements of the trendy online boutiques store, for women. The methods of payment and shipping costs. If we take care of these elements, the page will work correctly for us. It is clear that trends in the world of fashion are constantly evolving and that there is a list of followers who buy every season what is trendy. But luckily on the Internet, there is room for everyone. And is that the products are reinvented and there are stores very specialized in styles. You can imagine that clothes and accessories are the absolute kings of the world of electronic commerce, that is, the sector that sells the most. That’s why today we are going to learn how to create a store specialized in fashion.
Trendy online boutiques
Online is too much easy and reasonable nowadays. It is a very easy way of shopping. But it also a very easy way to earn money. Because you can open trendy online boutiques with little capital. You can collect different types of clothes and sell to your customer.
1. What clothes to choose to sell online

If you find yourself in the situation of wanting to open an online clothing store. We recommend that, first of all, your research and find products and suppliers. Because that provides you with a good margin and have a tug among the audience you are targeting. For the project to work it is necessary to choose a good catalog (very specific or more general) and organize it by families, categories or sections. These will define the structure that our online clothing store can have.
Example of categories of fashionable e-commerce with a general catalog (covering many types of product)
Women> Dresses, Pants, T-shirts, etc
Man> Pants, T-shirts, Suits, etc.
Boys and Girls> Sets, Dresses, etc
Trends> Accessories, Accessories, etc.
Just to give an example we are going to suppose that we want to create an online store to sell sandals. We are only going to sell sandals, but for the whole family, the categories or families of products that we have to incorporate in the store could be:
Woman> Sandals with heel, without heel, etc
Men> Velcro sandals, leather sandals, etc.
Children> Velcro sandals, leather sandals, etc.
2. Recommended price range
The e-commerce studios and the best online stores of fashion and accessories say that the products that are sold. The most on the Internet. This type of products is more successful. Whatever at now any product is sold on the internet at any price. Another of the most common features that online fashion stores and accessories have are the sizes or variants of the products. From the first steps in the creation of the store, we have to care with great affection. The information about the sizes, and the measurements of the garments. It is advisable to inform in detail the information about the sizes, since, at the moment, it is not possible to test the product through the Internet. Internet makw easy trendy online boutiques It is true that there are applications and tools that allow us to test virtual garments and accessories. Although it is not the most common nor the most direct when buying online.
3. Sell clothes through dropshipping

Before starting to sell on the Internet it is advisable to do a small market study to find out which products are best working at the moment. Do not be scared because there are free tools like Google Trends or the Google Keyword Tool that make our work much easier. Both tools allow us to know what are the current trends and the volume of searches so we will have a very useful data history. Sell cloths as trendy online boutiques, its a big opportunity. Therefore, a good option would be to study which products are the most sold and searched on the Internet. Within the categories of fashion and accessories. Once we detect any opportunity it would be a matter of selecting a range of articles. We have margin and focus our efforts to advertise, create content with descriptions of categories and products. And try to be a true reference in the world of online fashion . If you are already clear about what fashion products you are going to sell on the Internet.
All the efforts that have to be made with an online clothing store with dropshipping would be:
Promote the page in social networks.
Advertise on Google and social networks
Get external links to improve positioning
4. Sell clothes online if you already have a physical store

If you already have a physical store, a fashion store in your area and you want to sell online, it’s much easier. The most important and complicated to get (the clothes) already have it and also many models even in stock to deliver it urgently. All you need is to upload the products and sell them through the Internet following our steps. Because it configures payment methods, self-control and shipping costs. An online store is likelier to a business of a lifetime. The most different is payment methods that allow us to safely accept payments from our customers. The money goes directly from the buyer to our account without commissions. The methods to accept more usual payments would be talking about the virtual TPVs granted by the banks. Alternative payment methods as Stripe, PayPal, bank transfer, cash on delivery, store collect. Another essential aspect to keep in mind is that we must correctly configure the shipping costs . Every day, when we have orders in our online store, a courier pick up the orders that are pending of that day and will be delivered to the buyer. In terms of stock management and customer service we need to serve people well by phone by email.
5. Photographs of clothing and descriptions
The photographs and product descriptions are crucial when we begin to create an online clothing store. If we want to have a successful store, we must take great care of the product photographs and descriptions of each garment. Keep in mind that in the online clothing store, the buyer can not try and can not touch the garments. Luckily many of the suppliers and fashion brands usually provide quality images, from different angles. Undoubtedly, the best option is to request the images to signatures or remove them from the Internet. Provided that they have quality and are well taken. You will have many more options to buy in your online store. If we have good photographs and interesting product descriptions and that answer the questions that the buyer can ask. This important combination helps to convey that the product we sell is attractive and will cover the needs of the client.
6. Take care of the details of the shipment and return

If we are able to offer an attractive shipping cost strategy with the free return option we will eliminate buyer fears. The way in which we make the shipments of our online store can become an opportunity. It is an another chance to collect money by trendy online boutiques. A competitive advantage of our business as long as we provide added value to the products. If we make a personalized delivery where we treat each person as someone special we will see an interesting boost. A good idea can be to introduce in each package a card with a loyalty discount or a recommendation for the buyer to. Promote our page on social networks. In this way, we can start to create a community where buyers become fans or followers of our brand. Without a doubt, we can get our online store to take off and become a viral phenomenon and get ambassadors. They recommend and promote free our online clothing store and improve the store positioning.
7. How to work the seasons in an online store

In the world of online fashion, you have to manage the change between seasons well. And it is that the catalog of products is renewed and we give rise to a new collection that promotes the rotation of products. The promotion and offers of the previous articles arise. Thanks to the Internet, products from other seasons can be commercialized. It works very well to create special families to create an outlet or items in liquidation. Discounts offers and transmit to buyers the feeling of opportunity will give us a good number of sales. Promote among our social networks our products on offer and send an email (newsletter) where promotions are indicated. It will make us more attractive for buyers.
If you are thinking of starting or doing an trendy online boutiques store, we recommend that you select the range of products that suits you best. That you have a margin of over 30% and that you invest a monthly budget in advertising (from 150 euros per month). If you already have a phenomenal physical store, the most difficult thing you have already done. We encourage you to upload the products to the Internet with a professional online store and configure the basic aspects. The store with the help of our e-commerce consultants and if you need anything we are at your entire disposal.