With Solar Power being one of the most affordable, sustainable, environmentally friendly methods of supplying enough electricity to homes and businesses that have Solar Panels installed on their roofs, it’s no wonder that property owners are maximising the benefits of these Panels with sophisticated, Solar Battery Storage, supplied and fitted by an experienced, professional such as https://www.precisiongreenenergy.co.uk/renewables/solar-battery-storage/.
Also known as BESS, Battery Energy Storage Systems allow property owners with Solar Panels to store any excess electricity generated for use when needed later on. Potentially reducing reliance on the main electricity grid, these futuristic batteries maximise the benefits of solar power. After the Solar panels have converted enough sunlight into electricity, the clever Solar battery system stores this excess electricity for later use, acting very much like a rechargeable battery for your home. While your solar panels are generating electricity during the day, any surplus energy can be redirected to charge the battery. When your solar panels aren’t producing enough electricity, either at night or on cloudy days, you can use the stored energy from the battery to power your home.
With Solar Battery Storage you can effectively use more of the electricity your solar panels generate, instead of sending any excess energy back to the grid. Essentially using any stored energy during peak electricity rates you can avoid paying higher energy prices and you also reduce your reliance on fossil fuels and essentially lower your carbon footprint.