Skip a meal and you can cause a number of health problems


Skipping breakfast or going without food for too long could have serious effects on mental health. In a study from 2018, missing breakfast was linked to an increased risk of low mood and stress among adolescents.

When you don’t eat for too long, your blood glucose drops, which signals a release of cortisol. Cortisol is commonly called the stress hormone and it releases to regulate any lowering of blood glucose. However, this also creates a stressful response within the body. You may feel anxious, depressed or irritable.

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The huge fluctuations in your blood sugar levels aren’t helping you feel more energetic. Imagine how bad it is when you are “hangry!” Our brains require glucose and prefer carbohydrates.

You will feel drained if you skip a meal. It is not only reduced fuel for the brain but it also means fewer calories to keep your body running. You shouldn’t burn more calories by exercising if you haven’t eaten, because it will leave less for the brain. When you want Office Lunch Delivery, consider

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You can get food cravings

An effect of experiencing low blood sugar and ignoring hunger feelings could be a lot of cravings – normally cravings for sugar and carbs. These two foods provide quick bursts, and your body will settle for anything that gives it energy.

Skipping meals can lead to persistent and intrusive food thoughts, not to mention losing control at the next mealtime. This is especially true for refined carbohydrates. It is possible that your attempts to lower your weight by missing meals, or by ignoring hunger signals to eat in a certain window of time could backfire.

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