Nowadays, with the changes of the market, more and more people are starting out by necessity, and the first question that arises in our head is: Is it possible to touch a company at home?
Working from home instead of renting a business spot is turning into a profitable business opportunity.
With this in mind we separate 10 very interesting ideas to help you when setting up a business in your home that can make a difference in your monthly budget and without requiring high initial investment amounts.
This tendency to undertake has everything to grow, just use your creativity and competence.
Craft is a traditional business idea: several people already do it without having to buy a commercial spot to exhibit, depending only on word of mouth. It is possible to go to industry fairs only eventually, in order to expose your work and attract new customers.
Nowadays, however, allying the internet sales opens up a new possibility for those who do not have so much informal word of mouth: setting up a virtual store and using social networks to publicize the work. it is one of the startup business ideas at home.
Beauty is another sector known for the work at home: a very seen situation is the entrepreneur who offers in his house or garage services of depilation, manicure and capital treatment, for example.
Meeting the demand of a neighborhood or a region of the city, and it is possible to take advantage of the need of your neighborhood. To do this, invest in word of mouth and also in innovative services in your area of expertise.
Did you have an analytical position in your last job?
For example, taking care of marketing or human resources?
A common outlet in these cases is to open a consultancy and work advising your clients. In this type of business, it is not necessary to have a commercial point.
It ends up being indifferent to the client you have an office at home or elsewhere, since it is customary for the entrepreneur to make inquiries at the place requested by the contractor. You can invest in a site of your own to build credibility instead of investing much more at one point. it is one of the startup business ideas at home.
Just like the craft and beauty branches, the entrepreneurs who work from home in the food industry are also traditional. Even so, having a good network of contacts, you can achieve great success: there are many businesses in the business, but also a lot of demand.
Some of the best known services are orders of snacks and sweets, for example. You can work by cooking at home by ordering, selling based on your network of contacts. Another very appreciated service, especially in places that suffer mobility problems, is to offer home delivery.
Another point to be able to differentiate from the competition is to think of niches to have healthy food as the flagship of the innovation that you bring to the market, nowadays with the growing concern with health, no doubt this will be a good business opportunity.
Application and software development
If you think about starting a business and know how to program, we have the good news: to plan and to undertake walk more and more together.
It’s possible to set up your own virtual store, work as a freelancer for other internet services, or invest in programming a smartphone application – a trend within a sector that is already on the rise.
The application market has great growth rates and the person who has the facility in the area can take advantage of this great niche by working from home. it is one of the startup business ideas at home.
Graphic design 
Are you good at image editing programs? You can make money by selling graphic materials, such as logos and banners, through the internet.
The entrepreneur can use sites like We Do Logos for this: there is a kind of auction between designers and the project preferred by the contracting company gets the possibility to perform full service.
Thus, you stand out for the service offered and do not need to stay just depending on your network of contacts. “Today, the computer and wi-fi are basic necessities, even for those who do not have a business.
Therefore, working only through it is an alternative for those who are unemployed and can not invest in the creation of a business, “he says.
Niche E-commerce
Setting up a virtual store is an ideal job to do in your home: after all, you basically need a computer to work with.
Because the space for stock of products is small, a good bet may be to invest in a specialized branch and for which you have an interest. It is a type of enterprise with little inventory and high profitability
Virtual Franchise
Many entrepreneurs choose franchises because of a search for security account in having an already formatted business model.
One trend is the franchises that invest in leaner operations and smaller initial investments: for this, many decide to simply bet on digital and remove any fixed cost with a commercial point. especially the franchises that allow the entrepreneur to have a page within the site, marketing the products and earning a percentage on what is sold, basically a virtual resale. it is one of the startup business ideas at home.
Event organization 
Just like consulting, it is possible to work from home as an event organizer precisely because it is customary for the entrepreneur to visit the client .
It is possible to organize from children’s parties to weddings, provided you have experience in this area or try to qualify for it.
Provision of services
Activities that the client does not need to visit the service provider open the possibility of touching the service of the entrepreneur’s own home. This is especially interesting if you have training in an area that allows this kind of care at the client’s home.