Are cognitive decline and hearing loss connected?

Our hearing is absolutely crucial to being able to communicate with the world around us. Good hearing is essential to being able to follow a conversation, understand verbal instructions and communicate with family, friends and colleagues.

Does age affect our hearing?

As we age, our hearing quality can decline somewhat, because of a process called presbycusis. According to the RNID, this is one of the biggest causes of hearing difficulties.

If you have concerns about your hearing or are worried about an older relative’s hearing, it is always worth getting in touch with an audiologist. A hearing test Poole or other location from an audiologist such as is the first step to receiving clear information on your hearing loss and getting support in the form of a listening device or helpful communication strategies.

Can hearing loss affect our cognition?

It stands to reason that a drop in a person’s hearing quality will affect their ability to cope in day-to-day situations. Being unable to follow a conversation because you can’t hear it properly, or being unable to use the telephone will certainly impact daily life.

But for some, the link between hearing loss and cognitive decline can go much further. Studies have shown a considerable increase in the likelihood of someone developing dementia if they have unresolved hearing loss. Indeed, in older adults, there is a firm link between hearing loss and worsening cognitive abilities.

A study by Frank Lin entitled ‘Achieve’ showed a 48% decline in cognitive abilities in older people with untreated hearing loss when compared to those who received support for their hearing problems.

Additionally, it stands to reason that people who are struggling to hear others are more likely to avoid social situations such as going shopping, socialising or using the telephone. This can make them feel isolated and worsen any deteriorating cognition further – not to mention confidence levels.

For everyone, healthy hearing is likely to correlate to better cognitive health. So look after those ears!

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