While CCTV can produce important data, the problem is that most public safety operations are still reactive, rather than proactive. Despite advanced features like motion detection and audio recording, most CCTV footage is only analyzed after an incident. Instead, public safety agencies can benefit from real-time monitoring.
There are several factors that affect the usefulness of CCTV. Generally, more serious crimes are more likely to be caught by CCTV than less serious ones. The situational factors affecting the availability of CCTV footage also play a key role.
Although public CCTV systems are generally beneficial for public safety, there is a growing concern that their use could undermine trust in police and society. Further, the use of such systems could be perceived as excessive and unnecessarily intrusive. Moreover, citizens’ expectations of public security are rising rapidly, partly due to the influence of and personal experiences with advanced home surveillance systems. To protect your property, consider CCTV Installation Worcester from a company like APM
There have been some studies about the effectiveness of CCTV, but the results are not conclusive. However, some studies have argued that CCTV has a significant impact on crime detection and investigation. For example, a report by the London Borough of Hackney found that CCTV was associated with 27,000 arrests over a twelve-year period. Another report noted that CCTV was used in 86 out of 90 murder investigations, and that in sixty-six cases, the use of CCTV proved to be extremely valuable in securing a conviction.